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Cognitive Psychology: Applying the Science of the Mind
Cognitive Psychology: Applying the Science of the Mind
Author: Robinson-Riegl, Gregory
Edition/Copyright: 3RD 12
ISBN: 0-205-03364-4
Publisher: Allyn & Bacon, Inc.
Type: Hardback
Used Print:  $175.50
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Author Bio
Table of Contents
  Author Bio

Bridget Robinson-Riegler is Associate Professor of Psychology at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She received her PhD. at Purdue University in 1994 (where she and Greg met), and has been at Augsburg since then, serving in both administrative and faculty roles. She teaches introductory psychology, cognitive psychology, and supervises experiential learning courses, giving her a particular interest in psychology's application to everyday life. She has been teaching cognitive psychology for the past 17 years. She has published research primarily in the area of memory, specifically bizarre imagery effects and prospective memory. At Augsburg, she is an active mentor of undergraduate research. Her current research interests include source monitoring, attention and autobiographical memory.

Greg Robinson-Riegler is a Professor of Psychology at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. He received his PhD. at Purdue University in 1990, and has been at St. Thomas since then, serving in both administrative and faculty roles. He has taught courses in introductory psychology, memory, and cognitive psychology. By his math, he has taught cognition to over 1500 students. He also has extensive experience in interdisciplinary teaching, having offered seminars co-taught with colleagues in economics, philosophy, theology, and English. His published research is primarily in the area of memory, specifically the generation effect and implicit memory. His current research interests include autobiographical memory, effects of technology and multi-tasking on attention, and mindfulness. He is an active mentor of undergraduate researchers.


Cognitive Psychology: Applying the Science of the Mind combines clear yet rigorous descriptions of key empirical findings and theoretical principles with frequent real-world examples, strong learning pedagogy, and a straightforward organization.

For undergraduate courses in cognitive psychology.

Engagingly written, the text weaves five empirical threads - neuroscience, consciousness, individual differences, development, and culture - throughout the text to help students integrate the material. The text's organization offers an intuitive description of cognition that enhances student understanding by organizing chapters around the flow of a piece of information that enters the cognitive system.

  Table of Contents

Chapter 1�Cognitive Psychology: A Brief History and Introduction

What is Cognition?

The Omnipresence of Cognitive Processing

An Interdisciplinary Perspective

Psychology B.C. (Before Cognitive psychology)


Structuralism: The Contents of Mental Experience

Functionalism: The Functions of Mental Experience

Behaviorism: The Rejection of Mental Experience

Laying the Foundation for Cognitive Psychology

The Emergence of Cognitive Psychology

S-R Explanations: Seriously wRong?

Technological Influences

PSYCHOLOGY A.D. (After Decline of behaviorism)

Behaviorism Reconsidered

Information-Processing: A Computer Metaphor for Cognition

Connectionism: A Brain Metaphor for Cognition

The Brain: More than a Metaphor

Current Trends in the Study of Cognition

Chapter 2�Perception and Consciousness: Basics of Information Intake

Basic Issues in Perception

Sensation and Perception

Bottom-Up and Top-Down Processing

The Basic Tasks of Visual Perception

Perceptual Organizational Processes

Multisensory Interaction and Integration


Comparing the Senses

Perception and Action


Varieties of Consciousness

Disassociations of Consciousness

Subliminal Perception

Chapter 3�Mechanisms of Attention: Monitoring and Noticing Information

Attention: What is it?

Attention: Basic Characteristics

Pre-Attentive vs. Post-Attentive Processing

Visual Attention

Types of Visual Attention

Limits in Visual Attention

Auditory Attention

Selective Attention

Divided Attention

Automatic Processing

The Stroop Effect

Characteristics of Automatic Processing

Accounts of Automaticity

Costs of Automaticity

Driving: A Case Study in Attention

Driving and Auditory Attention

Driving and Visual Attention

Chapter 4 � Immediate Memory: The Control and Manipulation of Information

The Importance of Executive Attention

Immediate Memory: Basic Characteristics

Limits in Duration

Limits in Capacity


Theoretical Frameworks for Immediate Memory

The Modal Model

The Working Memory Model

A Unitary View of Memory

Embedded-Process View

Something We All Can Agree On: Capacity Limits and Forgetting

Who�s the Boss? Problems in Executive Control

Mind Wandering

Ironic Processes of Control

The Effects of Stress

Improving Executive Function

Chapter 5 � Objects and Concepts: Identifying and Classifying InformationIdentification and Classification: An Overview

Recognizing from the Bottom, Up and from the Top, Down

Object Recognition

Theories of Visual Object Recognition

Non-Visual Recognition

Face Recognition

Face Inversion

Holistic Processing

Is Face Recognition "Special"?

Individual Differences


Retrieving Names of Faces: Person Recognition

Networks and Concepts: The Classification Database

Semantic Networks

Concepts and Categories

Similarity-Based Categorization

Essentialist Approach: Concepts as Theories

Chapter 6 � Basic Processes in Long-Term Memory: Encoding and Retrieving Information

Fundamental Issues and Distinctions

Types of Long-Term Memory

A Descriptive Framework: Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval

LTM: Modes of Access and Use

Encoding Processes in Explicit Long-term Remembering

Attention and Repetition


Levels of Processing


Fitness-Relevant Processing

Organization and Distinctiveness

Remembering Action

Transfer Appropriate Processing

Retrieval Processes in Long�Term Memory

Availability and Accessibility

Encoding Specificity

Aging and Retrieval

Memory and Consciousness

Remembering and Knowing

Implicit Memory

Chapter 7 � Autobiographical Memory: Recalling Important Events from Life

Everyday Memory

Neisser�s Challenge: Ecological Validity and Memory Research

Autobiographical Memory: Basic Issues and Methodology

Memories vs. Facts

Methods of Investigation

Recalling a Life: Developmental Aspects of Autobiographical Memory

Childhood Amnesia

The Reminiscence Bump


Autobiographical Memory Retrieval

Encoding Specificity in Autobiographical Memory

Effective Cues for Autobiographical Memories

Models of Autobiographical Memory Retrieval

Involuntary Autobiographical Memories

Emotion and Autobiographical Remembering

Flashbulb Memories

Memory for Trauma

Mood and Autobiographical Remembering

Functions of Autobiographical Memory

Communicative Function

Emotional Function

Directive Function

Chapter 8 �-Malleability in Memory: Processes of Forgetting, Editing, and Distortion

The Sins of Memory

Eyewitness Memory

Encoding and Storage I: Event-Related Factors

Encoding and Storage II: Post-Event Factors

Retrieval Factors

Illusory Memories

Simple Events

Complex Events

False Remembering: Theoretical Frameworks

The Recovered Memory Controversy

Memories for Traumatic Events: Forgotten, Then Recalled?

Remembering and Forgetting Trauma: Ordinary Forgetting and Special Mechanisms?

False Memories for Traumatic Events?

Answering the Question

Chapter 9 � Language I: Basic Issues and Speech Processing

Language: Basic Principles

Linguistics and Psycholinguistics

Words and Rules

Design Features of Language

Language in Nonhuman Animals

Levels of Analysis

Phonology: The Sounds of Language

Phones and Phonomes

Morphology: From Sounds to Words

Producing (or "Morphing") the Spoken Word

Perceiving the Spoken Word

Syntax and Semantics: From Words to Sentences

Transformational Grammar

Pragmatics: The Social Aspects of Language

Conversational Structure

Gender and Conversation

Putting it All Together: Language Production and Perception

Speech Production

Speech Perception

Motor Theory of Speech Perception

Auditory Theory of Speech Perception

A Re-Assessment: Kind of Special?

Chapter 10 �Language II: Reading and Comprehending Text

Mechanical Aspects of Reading

Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processes in Reading

Eye Movements

Word Recognition


How Should Reading Be Taught?

Anglo-Centric Language Studies

Reading Myths

Sentence Level Processing

Sentence Parsing

Discourse Comprehension

Levels of Representation

Structure and Coherence

Discourse Memory and Representation

Memory for Discourse

Models of Discourse Comprehension


Speed Reading?

Chapter 11 � Judgments and Decisions: Using Information to Make Choices

Fundamental Concepts

The Focus on Errors

Dual-Process Views


Deductive Reasoning

Inductive Reasoning


The Availability Heuristic

The Representative Heuristic

The Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic

Biased Evaluation of Our Judgments

Decision Making

Expected Utility: A Normative Approach

Prospect Theory: A Descriptive Approach

Emotions and Decision Making

Decisions Making: Biases or Adaptive Tools?

Improving Decision Making

Chapter 12 � Problems and Goals: Using Information to Arrive at Solutions

What is a Problem?

Well-Defined and Ill-Defined Problems

Routine and Nonroutine Problems

Problem-Solving Research: Some Methodological Challenges

Approaches to the Study of Problem Solving

Behaviorism: Problem Solving as Associative Learning

Gestalt Psychology: Problem Solving as Insight

Cognitive Psychology: Problem Solving as Information Processing

Problem Representation

Rigidity in Problem Representation

Individual Differences in Problem Representation

Problem Solution



Experts: Masters of Representation and Solution

Expert Advantages

Expert Disadvantages: Costs of Expertise

Insight and Creativity




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