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Classics of Philosophy
Classics of Philosophy
Author: Pojman, Louis P.
Edition/Copyright: 3RD 11
ISBN: 0-19-973729-0
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Type: Paperback
New Print:  $96.99 Used Print:  $72.75
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Table of Contents

Classics of Philosophy is the most comprehensive anthology of writings in Western philosophy in print. Spanning 2500 years of thought, it is ideal for introduction to philosophy and history of philosophy courses that are structured chronologically. With more than seventy works by forty philosophers as well as fragments from the Pre-Socratics, it offers students and instructors an extensive and economical collection of the major works of the Western tradition. The new third edition, like its predecessor, provides students with unabridged or substantial texts of classic works while keeping as close to the heart of the canon as possible in the space provided. This revision expands many of the existing readings, adds some important philosophers, and includes just enough pedagogy to help students without diminishing their own direct experience with the text. Specifically, improvements include:DT Expanding Aristotle's Posterior Analytics, On the Soul, Metaphysics, and Nicomachean Ethics; Berkeley's On the Principles of Human Knowledge; and Hume's Treatise on Human NatureDT Adding selections from Maimonides and Schopenhauer as well as Kant's Critique of Pure ReasonDT Review questions for each chapter DT Portraits of many philosophers (new to the third edition).DT A companion website for both students and instructors: includes brief summaries for each reading, essay questions for the selections, objective test questions, and 200 PowerPoint lecture slides for professors. For students, the website offers self-tests, flash cards with key terms, review questions for each chapter, a timeline featuring the authors in the text, and helpful web links. Classics of Philosophy third edition should give students easier access to more of philosophy's greatest works in a more economical package. It should also offer an alternative to teachers who want a quality anthology of Western classics that includes the best of the pre-Socratics as well as a sampling of influential contemporary philosophy.

  Table of Contents
Table of Contents *=New to this edition **=Expanded in this edition Preface Time Line PART 1: THE ANCIENT PERIOD 1. The Pre-Socratics Readings 2. Plato Euthyphro The Apology Crito Phaedo Meno Republic 3. Aristotle Categories ** Posterior Analytics (Analytica Posteriora) Physics ** On the Soul ** Metaphysics (Metaphysica) ** Nicomachean Ethics Politics 4. Epicurus Letter to Menoeceus Principal Doctrines 5. Epictetus Encheiridion 6. Sextus Empiricus Outlines of Pyrrhonism 7. Plotinus Ennead I.6 Ennead V.1 PART 2: THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD 8. Augustine On Free Will On Time and Eternity The City of God 9. Boethius The Consolation of Philosophy 10. Anselm and Gaunilo Proslogium Gaunilo's Criticism St. Anselm's Rejoinder * 11. Moses Maimonides * Guide for the Perplexed 12. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica 13. William of Ockham Summa Logicae PART 3: THE MODERN PERIOD 14. Ren� Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy 15. Thomas Hobbes Leviathan 16. Blaise Pascal Pens�es 17. Baruch Spinoza The Ethics 18. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Discourse on Metaphysics The Monadology 19. John Locke An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 20. George Berkeley ** Of the Principles of Human Knowledge Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous in Opposition to Sceptics and Atheists 21. David Hume An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding ** Treatise on Human Nature Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion 22. Immanuel Kant Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics Foundation for the Metaphysic of Morals * Critique of Pure Reason 23. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Phenomenology of Spirit * 24. Arthur Schopenhauer * The World as Will and Representation 25. S�ren Kierkegaard Readings Concluding Unscientific Postscript 26. John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism On Liberty The Subjection of Women 27. Friedrich Nietzsche Aphorisms Joyful Wisdom Beyond Good and Evil Twilight of the Idols The Anti-Christ PART 4: THE CONTEMPORARY PERIOD 28. Charles Sanders Peirce Fixation of Belief 29. William James The Will to Believe Pragmatism 30. Bertrand Russell The Problems of Philosophy A Free Man's Worship 31. G.E. Moore Philosophical Papers 32. Ludwig Wittgenstein Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Philosophical Investigations 33. Edmund Husserl Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology 34. Martin Heidegger The Fundamental Question of Metaphysics 35. Jean-Paul Sartre Being and Nothingness Existentialism and Humanism 36. A.J. Ayer Language, Truth and Logic 37. Thomas Nagel What Is It Like to Be a Bat? 38. Philippa Foot Morality as a System of Hypothetical Imperatives 39. Nelson Goodman Fact, Fiction, and Forecast 40. John Rawls Justice as Fairness

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