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Faith, Science, and Reason: Theology on the Cutting Edge
Faith, Science, and Reason: Theology on the Cutting Edge
Author: Baglow, Christopher T.
Edition/Copyright: 2009
ISBN: 1-936045-25-7
Publisher: Midwest Theological Forum
Type: Hardback
Used Print:  $26.25
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The raging controversies over the compatibility of the Christian Faith and modern science that have divided public opinion in the United States have swirled around the introduction of theological ideas and interpretation into science textbooks in public schools, creating a confusion of categories and methodology that threatens to handicap both science education and authentic theological instruction. In this pioneering textbook designed for Catholic high schools and colleges, theologian and author Christopher Baglow takes a different approach--the inclusion of science in a theology textbook for the purpose of rediscovering faith on the frontiers of science. The result is a stunning reconsideration of the relationship that delivers new insights into the Christian Faith while preserving the integrity, and the astounding heritage, of modern science.

A sample of the chapter titles reveals the comprehensiveness of Baglow's treatment and gives a sample of his easy, accessible style:
Faith and Science: At the Crossroads of Nature and Spirit
The Big Bang about Creation: Is Sacred Scripture Anti-Science?
Patroness or Persecutor? The Catholic Church and Scientific Discovery
The Biggest Question: Has Science Disproved God?
The Twist in the Tale: Modern Science versus Scientific Atheism
Going "Deeper than Darwin": Faith and the Origins of Living Things
The Emergence of the Image: Modern Science and the Origins of Humanity
Miracles: Signs and Wonders at the Crossroads of Faith and Science

Beautifully illustrated and thoroughly faithful to the Christian Faith and the teaching of the Catholic Church, this book is a must-read for anyone struggling to understand the credibility of the Christian Faith in the light of modern science and the possibility of a friendly reunion of faith and science in contemporary society.


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