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Introduction to Kinesiology
Introduction to Kinesiology
Author: Hoffman, Shirl J.
Edition/Copyright: 3RD 09
ISBN: 0-7360-7613-1
Publisher: Human Kinetics Publishers
Type: Hardback
Used Print:  $69.00
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Author Bio
Table of Contents
  Author Bio

Shirl J. Hoffman, EdD, is a professor of exercise and sport science at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where he served as department head for 10 years. He has served at all levels of education: as an elementary physical education teacher, a college-level coach, and professor in both research university and liberal arts college settings.

Hoffman has published extensively on a variety of topics, including sport philosophy and ethics, evangelicalism and religion in sport, sociology of sport, and motor learning and performance. He also has been a frequent commentator on problems in kinesiology and higher education. His publications have appeared in a range of journals, including Quest; Chronicle for Physical Education in Higher Education; Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport; Journal of Motor Behavior, Perceptual, and Motor Skills; Arete: The Journal of Sports Literature; The Journal of Philosophy of Sport; Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance; and Nebraska Humanist.

Hoffman is a fellow of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education and is a member of the National Association for Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education. He was named Distinguished Scholar 2001 by the latter organization.

Hoffman and his wife, Claude, reside in Greensboro, North Carolina. He enjoys walking, swimming, and golfing.


Introduction to Kinesiology: Studying Physical Activity, Third Edition, explains the evolving discipline of kinesiology, demonstrating how its many subject areas integrate into a unified body of knowledge. This all-inclusive approach gives students a solid background in the field and prepares them for further study and course work. Engaging and jargon-free, this outstanding text also introduces students to the available job prospects and areas of study and professional practice in kinesiology.

Introduction to Kinesiology, Third Edition, orients and prepares students for in-depth studies in their areas of interest. The broad scope of this text acknowledges students' diverse interests and aspirations in teaching and coaching, professional, and scholarly career tracks. Within the text, top kinesiologists expand discussion of physical activity beyond exercise, sport, or health-related activity in order to broaden conceptions of physical activity and the potential contributions of kinesiology.

The book is organized into three parts: Experiencing Kinesiology, Scholarly Study of Kinesiology, and Professional Practice in Kinesiology. Throughout the text, emphasis on the integration of experience, formal study, and professional practice seeks to balance the importance of these unique and interrelated dimensions of the discipline.

* Experiencing Kinesiology provides broad discussion of how physical activity experiences in sport, exercise, work, rehabilitation, and daily living contribute to the understanding of kinesiology. This section concentrates on how kinesiologists design and manipulate physical activity experiences. It also discusses thesubjective aspects of physical activity, inviting students to consider various types of knowledge and understanding to be gleaned from the experience of physical activity.
* Scholarly Study of Kinesiology introduces students to the academic subdisciplines of kinesiology, including philosophy, history, and sociology of physical activity; motor behavior; sport and exercise psychology; and biomechanics and physiology of physical activity. Job descriptions of professionals in each subdiscipline educate students on academic careers available, and practical, real-world applications illustrate the importance of the subdiscipline and how it may relate or contribute to a variety of professional endeavors.
* Professional Practice in Kinesiology defines the responsibilities and requirements of professionals in health and fitness, therapeutic exercise, teaching, coaching, and sport management. Using a step-by-step process, students can determine whether their interest, talent, and motivation are appropriate for a career in kinesiology. Work setting analyses, educational qualifications, case studies, profiles of working professionals, and career advice provide additional information for career considerations.

Both new and returning contributors share their perspectives in fully updated chapters complemented by full-color photos and illustrations. Professional Profiles, interviews with kinesiology professionals found throughout the text, illustrate how knowledge of kinesiology subareas applies to professional practice. Chapter objectives help students keep the main ideas in mind as they read through the chapter, and chapter summaries can be found at the end of each chapter to reinforce ideas. Key points and sidebars supplement information in the text. Study questions at the end of each chapter help students focus on key areas of the text. Exercises and activities actively involve students in learning the material.

The third edition also introduces an exciting new learning feature, the online student study guide. Integrated with the text, the study guide allows students to experience content through multiple dimensions. Students can access the study guide using a key code that is packaged with the text. The online study guide offers students a variety of learning features:

* Interactive activities. Using a variety of multimedia experiences, these activities engage students in the material. Scenario-based audio and video activities demonstrate an aspect of kinesiology and then require students to complete an activity based on the demonstration and explanation. Other activities involve drag-and-drop, selecting from a menu, or responding with short answers to photos and scenarios presented.
* Study questions. These questions reinforce key material throughout the text and help students comprehend the concepts.
* Review of key points. The online review allows students to test themselves on the key points with the use of interactive activities. Students have the option of printing out the key points as a study aid after completing the activity.
* Activity feedback. Students receive targeted information to correct or reinforce their answers to activities.
* Web searches. Students can seek out specific information on the Internet and then provide their findings on forms that can be printed out and turned in to instructors.

Introduction to Kinesiology, Third Edition, also offers resources for instructors, including an instructor guide, PowerPoint presentation package, and test package that provide ideas for preparation, presentation, and examination of material. These ancillary materials are all accessible online at HumanKinetics.com/IntroductiontoKinesiology.

A new delivery option of Introduction to Kinesiology, Third Edition, is the e-book. Students can purchase the e-book using an access code that will allow them to download the text to their computers. Once downloaded, pages can be viewed with the use of Adobe Digital Editions, which can be easily installed when the e-book is purchased. The e-book is available at a reduced price and allows easy access to the entire online study guide features with direct links throughout the text. Students also have the option of purchasing the e-book and print book together at a slightly higher price if they prefer the ability to easily search the text or make notes in the e-book.

The third edition of Introduction to Kinesiology presents the discipline of kinesiology in a new and exciting way. Clearly organized and reader-friendly, this exemplary text portrays the variety, complexity, elegance, and importance of physical activity. With its full-color format and engaging writing style, the text will be a beneficial tool as it orients students to the discipline of kinesiology and its diverse professions.

  Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction to Kinesiology and Physical Activity

Part I: Experiencing Physical Activity
Chapter 2. The Spheres of Physical Activity Experience
Chapter 3. The Importance of Physical Activity Experiences
Chapter 4. The Importance of Subjective Experiences in Physical Activity

Part II: Scholarly Study of Physical Activity
Chapter 5. Philosophy of Physical Activity
Chapter 6. History of Physical Activity
Chapter 7. Sociology of Physical Activity
Chapter 8. Motor Behavior
Chapter 9. Sport and Exercise Psychology
Chapter 10. Biomechanics of Physical Activity
Chapter 11. Physiology of Physical Activity

Part III: Practicing a Profession in Physical Activity
Chapter 12. Becoming a Physical Activity Professional
Chapter 13. Careers in Health and Fitness
Chapter 14. Careers in Therapeutic Exercise
Chapter 15. Careers in Teaching Physical Education
Chapter 16. Careers in Coaching and Sport Instruction
Chapter 17. Careers in Sport Management


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