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Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
Author: Kent, George C. / Carr, Robert K.
Edition/Copyright: 9TH 01
ISBN: 0-07-303869-5
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Type: Hardback
Used Print:  $191.00
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Author Bio
Table of Contents
  Author Bio

Kent, George C. : Louisiana State University System Office

Carr, Robert K. : Ohio University Main Campus


Deemed a classic for its reading level and high-quality illustrations, this respected text is ideal for your one-semester Comparative Anatomy course. For the ninth edition, George Kent is joined by new co-author Bob Carr.

New to This Edition

  • This new edition features new cladograms (presented as line art figures) used as "phylogenetic summaries" and are balanced by an appendix dedicated to traditional Linnaen classification.
  • Taxonomy (names) and phylogeny (evolutionary relationships) have been updated throughout.
  • Learning aids include Links to the Internet, Critical Thinking Questions, Chapter Outlines, Boldface Key Terms, Chapter Summaries, and Suggested Readings.
  • This revision includes updates throughout to be consistent with the most current research in Comparative Anatomy.


  • Complete emphasis on biological, physical, and evolutionary aspects of anatomy is the focus of Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates. Its system-by-system progression integrates evolutionary theory and animal relationships to foster your students' understanding of anatomical functions.
  • Body systems approach examines different types of vertebrates by looking at each system (digestive, circulatory, etc.) separately.
  • This text covers the patterns of anatomy when comparing vertebrates. It also includes patterns among parts of the biological process- which includes similarities due to convergence, similarities due to accident, and similarities in terms of embryology.
  • The core of this text emphasizes comparative aspects of vertebrate morphology. This is a straightforward, no frills text that has been streamlined as a result of multiple revisions.

  Table of Contents

1 Introduction

The Phylum Chordata: The Big Four
The Craniate Body: General Plan
Craniate Characteristics
Vertebrate Characteristics
Structures Common to Craniates
Other Vertebrate Characteristics

2 Concepts, Premises, and Pioneers

Pattern and Process
Evolutionary Convergence
Metamorphosis and Heterochrony
Systematics and Taxonomy
Organic Evolution and Evolutionary Selection
Anatomy From Galen to Darwin
Words to Ponder

3 Protochordates and the Origin of Vertebrates

The Origin of Craniates
The Ammocoete: A Vertebrate Larva
Heterochrony and the Relationship Between Amphioxus and Vertebrates

4 The Parade of the Craniates in Time and Taxa

Craniate Taxa
Gnathostomes: Placoderms
Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fishes)
Acanthodians and Osteichthyans (Spiny Fishes and Bony Fishes)
Actinopterygii (Ray-Finned Fishes)
Sarcopterygii (Lobe-Finned Fishes)
Amniotes (Reptiles an Synapsids)
Reptilia (Sauropsida)

5 Early Craniate Morphogenesis

Vertebrate of the Germ Layers
Extraembre Eggs
Early Development of Representative Chordates
Fate of the Ectoderm
Fate of the Endoderm
Fate of the Mesoderm
Significancyonic Membranes

6 Integument

Preview: Skin of the Eft
The Epidermis
The Dermis
The Integument From Fishes to Mammals
Some Roles of the Integument

7 Mineralized Tissues: An Introduction to the Skeleton

Skeletal Remodeling
Tendons, Ligaments, and Joints
Mineralized Tissues and The Invertebrates
Regional Components of the Skeleton
Heterotopic Bones

8 Vertebrae, Ribs, and Sterna

Vertebral Column
Tetrapod Sternum

9 Skull and Visceral Skeleton

Generalized Dermatocramium
Neurocranial-Dermatocranial Complex of Bony Fishes
Neurocranial-Dermatocranial Complex of Modern Tetrapods
Visceral Skeleton

10 Girdles, Fins, Limbs, and Locomotion

Pectoral Girdles
Pelvic Girdles
Tetrapod Limbs

11 Muscles

Muscle Tissues and Major Categories of Muscles
Introduction to Skeletal muscles
Appendicular Muscles
Branchiomeric Muscles
Integumentary Muscles
Electric Organs

12 Digestive System

Procuring Food
The Digestive Tract: An Overview
Mouth and Oral Cavity
Morphology of the Gut Wall
Liver and Gallbladder
Exocrine Pancreas

13 Respiratory System

Nares and Nasal Canals
Swim Bladders and the Origin of Lungs
Lungs and Their Ducts

14 Circulatory System

The Heart and Its Evolution
Arterial Channels and Their Modifications
Venous Channels and Their Modifications
Circulation in the Mammalian Fetus, and Changes at Birth
Lymphatic System

15 Urogential System

Kidneys and Their Ducts
Urinary Bladders
Genital Organs

16 Nervous System

Growth and Differentiation of the Nervous System
Neuroglia and Neurilemma
Spinal Cord
Spinal Nerves
Cranial Nerves
Autonomic Nervous System
Segmentation of the Craniate Head

17 Sense Organs

Special Somatic Receptors
Special Chemoreceptors
General Somatic Receptors
General Visceral Receptors
18 Endocrine Organs
Endocrine Role of the Nervous System
Endocrine Organs Derived From Ectoderm
Endocrine Organs Derived from Mesoderm
Endocrine Organs Derived from Endoderm
Hormonal Control of Biological Rhythms



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